Fire Brigade Inlet (Pumping in Breech), having Cast Iron body with 2 Nos. 63 mm size Gunmetal Male Instantaneous inlets (with NRV), and 80 mm size flanged outlet, suitable for connection to Dry Riser piping. Fire Brigade inlet body shall be provided with a drain valve for draining water after the operation
Fire Brigade Inlet (Pumping in Breech), having Cast Iron body with 2 Nos. 63 mm size Gunmetal Male Instantaneous inlets (with NRV), and 80 mm size flanged outlet, suitable for connection to Dry Riser piping. Fire Brigade inlet body shall be provided with a drain valve for draining water after the operation
Fire Brigade Inlet (Pumping in Breech) having Cast Iron body with 4 Nos. 63 mm size Gunmetal Male Instantaneous inlets (with NRV) and 150 mm size flanged outlet, suitable for connection to Dry Riser piping. Fire Brigade inlet body shall be provided with a drain valve for draining water after the operation.
Fire Brigade Inlet (Pumping in Breech) having Cast Iron body with 4 Nos. 63 mm size Gunmetal Male Instantaneous inlets (with NRV) and 150 mm size flanged outlet, suitable for connection to Dry Riser piping. Fire Brigade inlet body shall be provided with a drain valve for draining water after the operation.
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